Services Offered by Endodontist

by | Jun 12, 2013 | Health and Fitness

Do you know what an endodontist is when your general dentist informs you that you need to see one?

An endodontist is a dentist who has specialized in issues that deal with the interior of the tooth. Endodontists are required, in the United States, to complete an addition two to three year degree of postgraduate studies to become an endodontist. Once they have completed one of the fifty training programs offered in the States, they must also complete and pass an exam known as the American Board of Endodontolgy examination. A student of endodontolgy will not be certified as an Endodontist San Jose until they have completed and passed this exam.

In this article, we will discuss three of the more common procedures that you may need to see an endodontist for and what is involved in each of these.

Endodontic Therapy (also known as root canal therapy)

The root canal is the space inside a tooth that consists of a pulp chamber and the main channels that connect the roots to the body of the tooth. When the root canal has become infected or damaged, an endodontist san jose will remove the damaged pulp and replace it will a filler material, followed by capping or crowning the tooth in order to protect the inside. This procedure can be complicated, but an experienced Endodontist San Jose can perform it in a root canal in a short period of time.

Dental Implants

A dental implant is what is known as a root device, which simply means that it is something implanted into the gum to mimic the teeth’s nature root structure. These are necessary when a patient needs to have a tooth, or series of teeth replaced because of damage or decay. A dental implant becomes a part of the patient’s body, but the replacement tooth or teeth are often removable for replacement in case of damage. These can also support a number of other prostheses, including bridges, dentures, and crowns.

Other Dental Conditions

Endodontists often perform a number of other dental services for patients that focus on the interior of the tooth. Among these are included treating cracked teeth and treating dental trauma from sports injuries, car accidents, and similar events.

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