Three ways to become closer to God

by | Apr 3, 2014 | Business

Often Christians feel they are not as close to God as they wish. There are many opportunities you can seek to help bring you closer to God. Here are three ideas:

1. Free Christian Prophecy: A free Christian prophecy is an excellent way to become closer to God. You will receive information that will help you understand God’s plan for you. This is a very fulfilling experience and you can learn how much God loves you and has faith in you to succeed. Many Christians appreciate having insight into better ways to live as a Christian and how to apply Christian living to their own situations. You will find this provides you with a special connection with God for strength and healing.

2. Daily Devotions: Daily devotions have long been the direct line to God. You will find spending time with God to be the best way to get to know him better. Daily devotions allow you to bond with God one on one with complete concentration on his beauty and love. You can read the bible and feel his presence, use prayer or just reflect on how you can be more obedient in order to help spread his word. Daily devotions will keep you on the right path and inspire you to find new ways to show you are a Christian. They say that people will know we are Christians due to our inherent desire to love our brothers. Daily devotions are the perfect way to become closer to God.

3. Read the Bible: Do not look at reading the bible as a chore. Think of reading the bible like you would any book. You can read the bible to provide learning opportunities, to enjoy a story and to find happiness. Reading the bible is something you can do in solitude or share reading time with family. This is a wonderful way to spend time with children and families can enjoy taking turns reading their favorite bible passages to each other. The bible is filled with many life lessons and can offer comfort in times of difficulty. Many Christians have favorite passages they come back to again and again, or reread sections that they do not understand.

Becoming closer to God is an inspirational and enjoyable experience to which Christians can look forward.

Your free Christian prophecy is a gift God wants to share with you. Visit Bishop Jordan at Domain and receive your free Christian prophecy.

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