Types of Cancer

by | Apr 9, 2013 | Health and Fitness

Americans are diagnosed with cancer every year. There are many types of cancer that one can get and that one should get tested for if they’re within a certain age range. Most women should be tested for breast cancer every year after turning the age of 40. Most men should be tested for prostate cancer right around the same age frame. However, keep in mind cancer can strike someone at any age.

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most diagnosed form of cancer among middle-aged women. Surprisingly, statistics show women who consume alcohol are at a greater risk of developing breast cancer in Oklahoma City. If a person is obese, that could also increase their chances. It’s always best to check for lumps around the region of your chest area to make sure that if there is one, you can get it tested early, so it won’t prove fatal.

Bone Cancer

Even with its rarity, bone cancer can be diagnosed among both children and adults. Cancers fall into two categories: benign (which isn’t life-threatening) and malignant (which is life-threatening). The most common symptom of obtaining bone cancer is pain. Some may experience joint tenderness and they may also experience fractures due to the bones weakening.

Bladder Cancer

Bladder cancer is one of forms of cancers that can be easily detected. The only caution about bladder cancer is the fact that the symptoms are roughly the same as one having a urinary tract infection (UTI) – such as painful and frequent urination. One would definitely want to get a urine culture done at the doctor’s because of the fact that blood may microscopically be within the urine sample.

Eye Cancer

Not much is heard about the eyes obtaining cancer, but it can certainly happen. Both adults and children can be diagnosed with having eye cancer at any age. Blurred vision, lost of peripheral vision, seeing “floaters”, and even a change in color of the iris are some of all the symptoms of having eye cancer. It’s recommended that one get a vision exam done every year even if you do have perfect 20/20 vision.

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