Top 4 Myths About jail bonds Grand Prairie TX Residents Need to Disregard

by | May 15, 2013 | legal

Being arrested can be a scary situation that not many would envy to be in. The first knee-jerk reaction is to find out whether you or a loved one has the option of bail to get out of jail. However, there are situations where one cannot raise the money required and hence the need to turn to a jail bonds Grand Prairie TX firm for help.

Most people have the misconception that bail bondsmen are people who smoke cigars and play darts all day as portrayed on television. This and many other misconceptions about the bail industry have made many individuals fear turning to such firms for help to get someone out of jail. Other common misconceptions include:

Bail bonds have to be paid in cash: Nothing could be further from the truth. Most firms offer various methods of payments such as American Express, MasterCard, Discover, Western Union, Wire transfer, Visa, Direct bank deposit and Debit cards.

Bail is negotiable with the jail: The bail amounts set are referenced from the county’s bail schedule. This document is set every year and lists different bail amounts for different crimes. The only individuals who can raise, lower and or remove bail are judges.

Bail has to be paid in full before one can get out of jail: A number of jailbonds Grand Prairie TX firms offer clients various payment plans in the event they are not able to come up with full amount at once. Terms and conditions for jail bonds can vary greatly form firm to firm. Some of the questions you need to ask the bondsman include;

Whether they charge financing or interest fees?

If you pay off the balance early, is there a penalty?

What is the set period for paying off the balance?

Is there a percentage required as down payment or can they work with your budget?

Consider the answers received carefully before moving ahead and signing on the dotted line.

Bail bonds are revocable if you fall behind on the payment plan: For a jail bonds Grand Prairie TX firm to revoke bail, it is required-by law-to provide a good reason for doing so. For example, if an individual’s bail bond has terms and conditions, such as staying out of trouble, and the defendant fails to comply by them.

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