All About Mini Audio Speakers

by | Dec 10, 2013 | Shopping

Whether you’re looking to enhance the sound of music, high definition media or simply want to boost your current home theater or stereo system, mini audio speakers are a great way to do it. Modern speakers come with so many features and options it can be difficult to choose just one set. However, taking the time to focus on sound quality will ensure that you buy the right speakers for your home. Consider the audio components and other features when buying mini audio speakers.

The environment is which the music or sound will be played can have a direct correlation on its clarity and volume. The shape of the room, the furnishings, and construction materials all affect how sound propagates throughout a listening space. If the room has arched walls, large doors, or high ceilings, the sound can become muddled. Sound is often more clear in a room that has lower ceilings, carpeted floors, and more soft furnishings. It’s also important to put your speakers in an area that has access to sufficient electrical outlets as your speakers will need access to power, unless you choose wireless.

The power of an audio speaker is measured in watts (W). This power rating will determine the amount of electrical power a speaker is able to use before it risks becoming damaged. Having more power to your speaker can add more volume without affecting the clarity. Speaker power can be described in two ways. Typically displayed as the root-mean-square, or RMS, nominal power is the level in which your speakers can operate without causing damage or distorting the sound. Peak power is the highest that your speaker level can go without causing damage. It’s vital to consider both nominal power and peak power to ensure that you are not using too much power, causing irreversible damage to your speaker system.

Anthony Gallo Acoustics is a high end manufacturer of loudspeakers, subwoofers, home theater speakers, and installation accessories known for their unmatched sonic performance and one-of-a-kind design aesthetics. 








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