Incentives For Providing Medicare Preventative Services

by | Feb 19, 2014 | Health and Fitness

Through medicare preventative services, patients receive full diagnostic testing to determine the cause of symptoms. Preventive measures consist of identifying the source of symptoms and treating the underlying cause. Healthcare professionals are discovering new ways to provide effective medical services by taking preventive measures before a patient becomes ill. This includes providing yearly check-ups, testing, and further evaluation of symptoms until a diagnosis is made.
The Need for Preventive Care

Healthcare professionals who accept Medicare patients are offering more preventive care measures. Through these measures, patients receive early diagnosis of conditions that could otherwise become life-threatening. These patients have further access to preventive care as outlined in their medical insurance policies. With an extension of preventive care, patients have a higher chance of survival and life longer and healthier lives. 

Incentives for Preventive Care

Through wellness visits or annual check-ups medical professionals may optimize their overall yearly revenues by performing preventive care services for Medicare patients. This includes testing for early detection of medical conditions found within the patient’s family medical history. It also includes testing and evaluations for potential illnesses in which the patient exhibits symptoms. Through these efforts, medical facilities optimize their earnings while potentially saving more lives overall. 

Healthcare Provider 

Polygon Health provides assistance for healthcare facilities who treat Medicare patients. This service provider offers software-based management options to these medical facilties. The software shows these facilities managers who to optimize on revenues based on preventive care services. They assist medical professionals by educating them on how to utilize wellness visits to perform preventive care services. This service provider also helps with generating a better workflow among the facility’s staff. If you wish to learn more about these concepts visit 

Seniors may now take advantage of medicare preventative services through their preferred healthcare provider. These services allow senior access to testing that diagnosis conditions at earlier stages. Medical professionals utilize factors such as family medical history to determine the probability of patients developing life-threatening diseases and other conditions. Through preventive care, doctors may eliminate or treat these conditions more effectively. To learn more about preventive healthcare.

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