Holiday Emergencies and Your Chicago Veterninary Hospital

by | Feb 25, 2014 | Health and Fitness

The holidays are usually an exciting and fun time for the entire family. However, as people get busier, their pets often get overlooked, or their normal pet routine gets severely stretched. Every pet owner knows that having a sick pet during the holidays can be a nightmare. Your normal vet usually isn’t open, and you are leery about taking your pet to a strange place. This is where the Chicago veterinary hospital comes in handy; you can take your pet there for regular checkups and emergencies as well.  Below you will find some tips on how to know if your pet needs to go to the vet during the busy holiday season.

Should I Take Him or can it Wait?

This is a question that isn’t easily answered, because every case is different. If it is obvious that you can’t wait, then you will need to go ahead and take your pet in for treatment. Many vets’ offices have emergency vets on call, even during the holiday season, and will meet you at the office. If not, then you will need to take your pet to the Chicago veterinary hospital as soon as possible, to be safe.

If the Vet’s Office is Closed

No matter what time of the day or night it is, your vet should have an answering service. The vet should get back in touch with you right away, and either meet you at the office, or be able to recommend an emergency clinic close by. Even with visiting the emergency clinic, you will want to take your pet in for a complete work-up during your vet’s normal business hours.

The Emergency Facility is too Expensive

It is true that emergency facilities are a tad bit more expensive, than a normal vet visit. However, that is because they have to pay to run the places, no matter what time of night it is. It is even more expensive to deal with a medical problem that you let go, because you didn’t want to pay the prices the clinic charged. Remember, you are a pet parent, and need to treat your pet just like one of your children, sometimes that involves ER visits during the holidays. Browse website for more information.

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