Month: December 2014

Rollers vs. Wheels

By convention definition, a roller has a cylindrical cross section shape, a significant length and can be rotated about its central axis. Rollers can be used to move, flatten or spread things. Although using tree logs beneath large blocks of stone (to move the stone...

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Keeping It Cold In California

Until relatively recently, it was not easy to keep things cold in the lower lying parts of California. A chilled beer, ice cubes in a drink and long term storage of perishable foodstuffs were all luxuries. Refrigeration as we know it today simply did not exist. Before...

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Common asphalt shingle repairs

With the roof of a house being so very important it should come as no surprise that of all the home repairs that need doing, roof repair ranks at the very top. With a leaking roof you put everyone and everything in the house at risk, and any sign whatsoever of wear or...

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