Consulting with Bankruptcy Lawyers to Legally and Quickly Resolve Your Debt

by | Mar 31, 2020 | Law Services

Defaulted debt can take over every aspect of your life. It can rob you of your ability to sleep well at night. It can also disrupt your marriage as you and your spouse argue over unpaid bills. Even more, delinquent accounts also put your income and assets at risk of being levied, garnished or seized. You can avoid losing sleep, relationships and money by consulting with one of the bankruptcy lawyers in St. Charles about how best to resolve your debts legally.

Liquidating Debts, If you satisfy a legal means test and have not filed a Chapter 7 bankruptcy in the last eight years, you could have most or all of your debts liquidated. Your lawyer could advise you to file a Chapter 7 case that eliminates debts that are eligible for this action in court. The only debts that you could not liquidate involve student loans, child or spousal support, federal or state taxes and criminal judgments. However, credit card bills, medical costs, payday loans and others can all be discharged in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy .You also have the option of filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy.

This type of case involves consolidating your debt and you paying on it for six years. At the end of six years, the remaining debt is discharged. You can choose the best action for your debts when you consult with bankruptcy lawyers in St. Charles. You can contact the Business Name.

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