How a Miami Private Investigator Can Help with Child Custody

by | Jun 10, 2013 | Business

When you are involved in a divorce, it can be a messy process. When there are children involved, it can get even more intense. When both parties are trying to fight for custody of the children, lies can be construed and things can be taken out of context. Without concrete proof of your allegations, you could have trouble proving these items in court. You can hire a Miami private investigator to help you prove what you suspect, giving you legal evidence to provide in court.


If you are trying to prove your ex-spouse leads a lifestyle that could be harmful to children, you will need proof. Many people try to prove their ex has a drug, alcohol or gambling addiction that can affect their children, especially if the ex partakes in the habit in front of the children. If your ex already has time with them and the children claim they are subjected to your spouse’s habits, your investigator can investigate the validity of the claims, providing you with the legal proof you need.

Physical Abuse

It is always difficult to prove physical or mental abuse without proof. A Miami private investigator has ways to obtain the evidence that are considered legal. Whether he gains the proof through video surveillance, tracking phone calls and conversations or watching social media sites for proof of the allegations, they have many methods to use to help you and your children.

Harmful Lifestyle

Sometimes the locations a spouse frequents are not acceptable to a life with a child. If you suspect your ex is taking your children to places, such as bars, adult parties or gambling scenes, your investigator can use GPS tracking devices to prove his whereabouts. He will also likely use other methods, including video surveillance or tracking of conversations, to offer further evidence of the claims in court.

When there are children involved in a divorce, the child custody battle can get out of hand. If you are concerned for the well-being of your children when they are not in your custody, you should hire a Miami private investigator to validate your suspicions and help you in court. The right investigator will use a variety of techniques, including video surveillance, GPS tracking and tracking of phone calls, text messages and Internet activity, to prove the suspicious activity you are concerned about is a reality and needs to be handled.

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