Tips for Hiring Electrical contractors in Wichita

by | Aug 1, 2013 | Business

When it comes to electrical work, whether residential, commercial or industrial, safety is Priority Number One. Other trades may be allowed a little margin for error here and there, but electricians have to be sure they are right the first time. Among Electrical contractors in Wichita, Kansas area there is at least one company with an industry-wide safety rating that ranks it above average, even among its peers. Factors that lead to these results include ongoing training and drug and alcohol testing of employees, among other things. The conclusion that this information supports is that if you want electrical work done safely in Wichita, ask questions and keep asking until you hear the answers you want. Politely insist on specifics; don’t settle for generalities. Having said that, below is a short list of other topics of conversation in which to engage your prospective contractor(s). It can be critically important to have these conversations, and you’ll sleep better at night for having had them.

Licensing, Bonding and Insurance

Electrical contractors in Wichita who have these required items will usually announce that fact. If not, ask. Note that a license to contract in Wichita should issued by the State of Kansas, not somewhere else. Also, make sure that the contractor is operating under a license issued in his or her own name, and not someone else, which is what employees typically do. It’s legal to do things this way, but for our money each contractor (as opposed to company employees) should have his or her very own license.

Written Estimates and Anticipated Completion Date

It’s okay to ‘ballpark’ figures and dates in the beginning, but get it all in writing before the work starts so you have some recourse if things don’t go as planned. Keep in mind that the reason for obtaining bids from several Electrical contractors in Wichita is to make sure everyone is comparing apples to apples, and not necessarily to hire the rock-bottom low bidder. You get what you pay for. If an estimate is conspicuously low or high, there’s something wrong with it. Throw it out.

References and 24 hour Emergency Service

It almost goes without saying that savvy Electrical contractors in Wichita should be pleased to offer both of these on request.

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