New York Solar Installation Benefits

by | Jan 21, 2014 | Business

There is not a thing on this planet that does not come equipped with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. When you are thinking about investing in solar panels and solar energy it is not uncommon to think there cannot be any drawbacks to something so beneficial to the planet. While there is only one major drawback to New York solar installation it is important for you to learn what that is before you make any decisions.

The Advantages

Installing solar panels on your home will help with global warming. Global warming is something that threatens the survival of the human race as well as a number of different species. Decades of research suggests that having solar panels installed is one of the best ways that you can fight global warming on your own.

Having solar panels installed is going to save you tons of money. It is not uncommon for someone to spend several hundred dollars on their electricity bill every month. When you have solar panels installed on your home, you would not have that electricity bill that you do not even want to open and look at coming to you anymore.

The Drawbacks

There really are not that many drawbacks to getting solar panels installed. This is especially true when you line up the number of drawbacks to the number of benefits. In fact, the only major drawback to having solar panels installed is simply the fact that the sun does not shine 24 hours a day. Those 8 to 10 hours that the sun is not shinning your solar panels are not getting any energy. This is not a problem that cannot be fixed though. They just need to create panels or install batteries that will store energy that can be used overnight until the sun comes back. The other option would be to try to figure out how to create panels that can absorb the moonlight as well.

If you are someone who works third shifts or is used to being up during the night and asleep during the day, you might not benefit as much from solar panels as much as someone else would. If you are not usually awake when the sun is then you are not even going to be using any of the energy that the sun provides to your home on a daily basis.

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