It matters little if you live in the village of Oak Brook in the DuPage County of Illinois or the suburban city of Oakbrook Terrace in the same county; your feet can hurt wherever you might be and, when that happens you will be wanting to check out the Foot Doctors In Oakbrook Il.
Is There An Official Name For Such People?
The highly trained medical and surgical people who treat all sorts of problems that can occur in our feet, ankles and lower extremities are called podiatrists. It is not an easy profession to join since around 8 years of study and another 4 years of hospital residency are required before anyone can become a Board Accredited, licensed podiatrist. This is hardly surprising when you consider that each of your feet comprises many tendons operating thirty three joints through nineteen muscles on a skeleton of twenty eight bones – that’s a pretty impressive piece of human anatomy. It is, of course, essential for anyone who can stand balanced on their own two feet and then move around in a wide variety of different motions.
When Things Go Wrong
With such a sophisticated piece of equipment, there are many problems that can develop. Some are generic in origin; often relating to the shape and size of the toes; others can come from both general and sporting injuries (including over exertion and misuse/abuse) and there are a long list of other complaints ranging from ingrowing toenails and bunions through fungal infections to problems relating to the central nervous system and blood circulation to the feet. Whatever the problem might be with your feet, the person to seek out is a qualified podiatrist.
Is Podiatry Different From Chiropody?
Many techniques and practices are similar and, at one time, the two professional names were considered as being interchangeable – they both work on your feet. However, today, chiropody is more often associated with less skillful, more cosmetic treatments; especially those that do not involve surgery. Chiropodists often work out of spas and beauty salons whereas the Foot Doctors In Oakbrook Il will be found in either hospitals or specialist clinics. Things like pedicures and reflexology are not associated with either of them.
Where To Get treatment
They provide the sort of specialist services that your feet truly deserve.