Emergency Vets in Ft. Meade

by | Aug 9, 2019 | Pets and Pet Care

It’s difficult to know what constitutes a visit to emergency vets in Ft. Meade. Sometimes you can see the problem visibly but at other times it is just instinct. Pet care comes with a responsibility to keep your dog healthy and safe. It is better to discuss with your vet the normal progress of your pet’s health rather than wait for something to go wrong. A regular check-up can keep the health care cost low and at the same time make the treatment more effective.

Emergency Calls To Your Vets in Ft. Meade

Every situation is not an emergency call. In fact as a responsible client to an animal clinic, you need to differentiate between emergency and non-emergency calls to ensure an effective use of the vet’s time.

Following signs require you to contact your vet or the emergency clinic immediately:

* When the breathing is labored and heavy

* If your dog collapses or loses consciousness

* Any signs of dizziness, imbalance or continuous circling

* Excessive loud cry could mean that there is an acute pain

* High body temperature – if it goes above 104 degrees

* When your dog is not able to walk

* Check the gums for blue, white or pale gums

* If the abdomen is bloated severely

* If you dog is experiencing seizures

Non-Emergency Calls To Your Vets in Ft. Meade

Call your vets in Portland if you see the following symptoms last for more than two days.

* If your dog is lethargic, shows no interest in activities and have had poor or no appetite

* Any signs or vomiting, diarrhea, lameness and weakness must be checked by the vet

* If you notice severe salivation or thirst accompanied by frequent or inappropriate urination, contact your vet

* Check the hair coat, if it is dry, flaky or if your dog is experiencing excessive scratching

* Signs of constipation and general lack of appetite

* Wheezing accompanied with panting and nasal discharge or congestion

* Mild crying when specific area is touched or in certain positions indicate a mild or moderate pain

Regular Check-Ups With Your Vets in Ft. Meade

Regular check-ups at vets in Ft. Meade will ensure that your pet is growing well and you get your peace of mind. An annual check will help to identify any new emerging problems before they get serious and will ensure that your dog is up-to date with the required vaccinations and developmental progress. During the regular visit, your vets in Ft. Meade will do an overall check including heart and lungs sounds, abdomen palpitation, skin problems as well as eyes and ears.

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