Get More From Your Dell Inspiron 1545 Battery

by | Aug 24, 2012 | Shopping

There is nothing worse than being on the road or in the middle of a presentation, only to see your laptop battery run dry. While many of the newer ion lithium batteries have a very long life expectancy and they offer many hours of usage on a charge, there are a few things you can do that will see you get more out of your charged battery too. The great thing about the range of Inspiron laptops from Dell is that they come with many features, but these can weigh heavily on the Dell Inspiron 1545 Battery too.

Tips And Tricks For Longer Use on Your Dell Inspiron 1545 Battery

Each component and device on your laptop is going to draw a certain amount of power and the more those components and devices are used the more power they will draw they will draw from the laptop battery. Now while the Dell Inspiron 1545 Battery may already offer a longer life than is typical, there are a few things you can do that will help you get that little bit extra out of your battery, and you will spend a lot less time having to recharge it.

* Multimedia hits the battery hard. If you need to get the most out of your charge, avoid using the laptop for movies, music, games or any activity that will require constant disk drive access and heavy processing.

* Reduce your screens brightness. Monitors use more power than almost any other device on the laptop, and by reducing the brightness you will reduce the amount of power it will draw fro the battery

* Mute your speaker. The speaker is another device that uses far more power than most people realize and unless you need sound effects for a presentation or it’s crucial to the work you are doing, it’s best to just mute all sounds.

* Turn off Wi-Fi. Wireless networking is one of the first things you should deactivate when not in use, be it on a laptop or smart phone. Wi-Fi adapters draw a great deal of power too, and by deactivating it you will see longer battery life from each charge

* Adjust your Windows settings, in particular the power settings. There are quite a few options within Windows for you to select from, and many of the Windows operating systems have laptop specific power configurations that you can use.

* Disconnect all external devices. External keyboards, USB devices, PC Cards and optical devices like drives or a computer mouse. Use the laptops keypad instead.

* While risky, turning off applications auto save features is not a bad idea either. The less activity there is on the disk drive, the less that device is accessed and used, and the hard disk drive uses more power than most devices on the laptop itself

By using some or all of these tips on your Dell Inspiron, you will get the most out of your Dell Inspiron 1545 Battery. Alternatively, it might not be a bad idea to consider buying yourself a second Dell Inspiron 1545 Battery; you never know when the spare will come in handy.

If you are looking to buy a Dell Inspiron 1545 Battery, look no further than website where you will have access to the comprehensive range of laptop batteries online.

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