Organic Movement and Organic mattresses

by | Aug 27, 2012 | Shopping

The organic movement is one that has a blend of serious health and safety concerns with a philosophical bent. There are reasons why people have a health concern about the use of chemicals in every day products. Sometimes the organic movement does get negative press. It’s understandable; any large movement will have a certain portion of extremists. These are the people who believe more in the philosophical angle that we need to stop artificial production and return to a more golden age of natural only living. These people tend to get negative press for the movement as a whole by protesting things where there are no environmental or health concerns, it can make them appear luddites. So one of the important tasks for someone interested in the Organic movement is to figure out when it’s important to go organic. Believe it or not, it’s not just food (and not all food needs to be organic) but things like organic mattresses can matter.

Your skin is porous. You know this, especially if you take a moment to think about the fact that porous has the root word of pore. You know you sweat through these holes in your skin. Your skin can in turn absorb things through into your body. Actors have had serious health concerns because of exposure to toxic makeup or even “safe make up” for too long. But if you don’t wear makeup you’re safe right? Is this only a concern for actors and mimes?

For the average consumer they’ll spend a large portion of their time wearing clothing or sleeping in a bed that has been made with chemical dyes and materials. If your concerned about the affects of such chemicals on your health than you should be worried about the ones you wrap yourself in, not just the ones you ingest. You wear clothing almost all the time. You sleep usually 7-8 hours a night as well as other time spent in bed (reading before sleep, and that time you lay in the morning trying to think of a good excuse to call out of work) you don’t want to have to worry about the effects of the chemical treatment in the dyes or the chemicals the fabric itself is made out of.

There’s also the environmental concerns, what is it doing to the environment to produce these artificial products, are they using unsustainable materials etc? If a mattress is made of replenishing materials you can feel good knowing that you haven’t wasted something rare just to sleep on it. So if you’re concerned and part of the organic movement, an organic mattress might be a good thing for you to consider.

Organic Mattress – Whether youre a part of the organic movement or not, its understandable that youd have concerns over the chemical products you cover yourself in. If youre interested in organic mattresses and live in the Austin Texas region then Austin Natural Mattresses should be your first call. You can find Austin Natural Mattresses online at, call their Bee Cave location at 512-263-5050 or their Austin location at 512-452-4444


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The organic movement is one that has a blend of serious health and safety concerns with a philosophical bent. There are reasons why people have a health concern about the use of chemicals in every day products. Sometimes the organic movement does get negative press. Its understandable; any large movement will have a certain portion of extremists. These are the people who believe more in the philosophical angle that we need to stop artificial production and return to a more golden age of natural only living. These people tend to get negative press for the movement as a whole by protesting things where there are no environmental or health concerns, it can make them appear luddites. So one of the important tasks for someone interested in the Organic movement is to figure out when its important to go organic. Believe it or not, its not just food (and not all food needs to be organic) but things like organic mattresses can matter.


Your skin is porous. You know this, especially if you take a moment to think about the fact that porous has the root word of pore. You know you sweat through these holes in your skin. Your skin can in turn absorb things through into your body. Actors have had serious health concerns because of exposure to toxic makeup or evensafe make upfor too long. But if you dont wear makeup youre safe right? Is this only a concern for actors and mimes?


For the average consumer theyll spend a large portion of their time wearing clothing or sleeping in a bed that has been made with chemical dyes and materials. If your concerned about the affects of such chemicals on your health than you should be worried about the ones you wrap yourself in, not just the ones you ingest. You wear clothing almost all the time. You sleep usually 7-8 hours a night as well as other time spent in bed (reading before sleep, and that time you lay in the morning trying to think of a good excuse to call out of work) you dont want to have to worry 

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