The Home Study and Adoption Services in Phoenix, AZ

by | Aug 2, 2012 | Health and Fitness

When a couple wishes to adopt, there is an in-depth process they must go through to become approved by the state of Arizona to become adoptive parents. One of the largest parts of the adoption process and the one that causes the most anxiety is the home study. Adoption services in Phoenix, AZ, play a vital role in this process to help determine if you and your family are a good candidate for adoption.

What Is the Home Study?

The professionals at an adoption service agency perform a series of weekly interviews in your home. The interviews take place among all family members and are simply a way to evaluate the members of your family in regard to their character and how a new child would fit into your existing family structure.

The home study is a way for the professionals at the adoption agency to determine if the home environment is suitable for a new child. This includes a walk around your physical home to determine whether you have the room and capabilities to take care of a child. It also includes an evaluation of the environment in your home in regard to how your family interacts within the home.

Safety Inspection

The Department of Health and Safety will conduct a thorough physical investigation of your home. This is done to ensure the safety of your home, including the existence of all fire prevention products, such as fire extinguishers and smoke alarms, and locks to prevent exposure to chemicals and medications, as well as an overall cleanliness in the home.

The Interviews

The interviews are conducted over a period of five weeks and include individual interviews with everyone in your home, as well as a family interview to oversee how you interact with one another. The premise behind the interviews is to make sure everyone in your home is mentally and emotionally prepared to take on a child in the family.

It is of utmost importance to tell the truth during all interviews. The professionals at the adoption services in Phoenix, AZ, understand everyone has a past. The most important factor is to be honest about your past, rather than hiding something or falsifying facts. A professional looks upon an honest person who admits their mistakes and realizes how they have formed who they are today much more favorably than a person who lies or hides their faults.

A Place to Call Home offers ideal foster care and adoption services in Phoenix AZ.

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