Resolving Sibling Rivalry with Big Brother Gift-Giving

by | Feb 1, 2013 | Shopping

Sibling rivalry, that’s one of the most stressful situations a family could have in their lives. This stressful situation, if not resolved in the children’s early years could lead to something worse when they grow up. Ever wonder when and where jealousy among adult and mature siblings may come from? Most of the time, it comes from an unresolved issue on sibling rivalry. It starts when a child who gets all the love, the presents, and the attention from the rest of his doting family members feel bad when a younger sibling comes into their lives.

Of course moving on and accepting change in the order of things may be a difficult and painful experience for a child; but not if you know how to resolve the rivalry issue. A good parent may stand as referee to the two or three quarreling kids, but a great parent shows his children that they are all loved equally and that no one is above the other. As for parents, here are some great gift ideas which you can use in order to resolve the problem. Why not introduce the concept of Big Brother Gifts to your children? This concept works in two ways, you can choose one, or you can help yourself to both. One is that you introduce the act of giving to your older child by choosing a gift for his new little sibling. You can wrap up the gift and even put the older child’s name as the giver of the gift. That way he gets to value and understand the goodness of giving presents, especially to that one person whom he fears will get all of mom and dad’s attention away from him.

Second, when you go out to shop for toys or items for your baby, bring your older child along with you, and get him to choose one item for himself. If you get one item for the baby, the older sibling should get one item too. Remember that jealousy among siblings arise from their idea that mommy may love the baby more than the older child because she’s giving the baby something more. That could be scary in the future. So as early as possible, introduce the value of giving something like Big Brother Gifts to your older child. Instead of being jealous and getting green with envy with the baby, he gets to take part in raising the child as well. Kids love to role-play, so if you buy baby essentials, you can pick up something for the older child in order for him to join in taking care of the baby. Don’t forget to shower him with praises when he does a good job. Not only do you eliminate the issue of sibling rivalry, but you introduce self-confidence in the older child and a sense of responsibility. Trust, that he’ll love the younger child even more.

Instill the value of generosity, equality and love to your eldest, and introduce Big Brother Gifts to him. Check out the best buys at

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