The Top Attractions That Make Boston a Great Place to Live

by | May 20, 2013 | Home and Garden

Whether you’re planning a trip as a tourist or making a list of reasons why you should move to Boston, looking at what the area has to offer is the first step. There are so many interesting and educational things to do. Attractions in Boston range from the Boston Public Gardens, all the way up to the Boston Symphony Orchestra. The area is jam packed with education and culture. The Boston area would make a wonderful place to further your education or raise your children. Any person can benefit from checking out the attractions in Boston along with Boston Apartment Listings.

Types of transportation

There are many ways to get around the Boston area. The Boston Apartment Listing might dictate your every day transportation, depending on the location of the apartment you choose. Your head could spin with the many different types of transportation to choose from. Subways, trains, buses, and cars are some of them. The best way to get around and alleviate the worries of traffic is walking. If you choose an apartment close to school and work, one could reduce living expenses by minimizing the need for a car.

History of Boston

Boston was originally called Trimountaine because of the three mountains in the area. It was renamed Boston after a city in England that a lot of the more important colonists travelled from. Massachusetts was primarily a Puritan colony, but citizens of Boston believed their city had a special covenant with God, often referring to it as the ‘City on a Hill’. A lot of the more famous actions of the American Revolution took place near or inside the city. After some unpopular taxing laws passed by the British, one of the more renowned laws being the Townshend Acts, the relationship between the colonies and England grew even tenser. Soldiers were sent overseas to keep the situation under control.

One such occasion known as the Boston Massacre, or the Incident on King Street, was caused by colonists throwing rocks and other items at British soldiers at their station outside of the customs office. The crowd taunted them and dared them to fire, but they did not. One item struck Private Montgomery, who charged into the crowd against orders. A few men near him retaliated, and the result was a couple of shots fired, also against orders, and eleven colonists were hit. Six of them died, three instantly. The site of the incident still exists, but is now called State Street. With all the Boston Apartment Listings, you are sure to get well educated with culture and history.

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