Winning Your Case With A Truck Accident Lawyer In Chicago

by | Mar 6, 2014 | legal

Collisions between cars and trucks can be deadly. Statistics show that for every 100 million miles driven by big rigs, there are 2.3 deaths and 60.5 injuries. The accidents are dangerous due, in part, to the size discrepancy between a big rig and a car. Many of these collisions result in serious injuries like burns, traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries and severed limbs.

The federal government has strict rules regarding truck drivers, and how many hours they may drive in a day. Failure to follow this rule is a major cause of trucking accidents. A quality lawyer will be able to ascertain if failure to follow these rules resulted in your accident. If you need a Chicago truck accident lawyer, call the Shea Law Group. They are experienced in handling trucking accidents, and many other types of cases.

It is important for victims to have dedicated lawyers, because trucking claims can be complicated. For example, there may be more than one insurance company involved. The driver may have his own insurance, while the owner of the truck has another. Furthermore, the lawyer investigates the claim with a team of experts. They must examine the truck’s maintenance records, and the driver’s log book. In addition, they will determine whether all the trucking laws have been followed. The lawyer looks for evidence to prove the driver’s negligence. Almost all trucking accidents are caused by some form of negligence, including:

  • driver distraction
  • driver fatigue
  • driver intoxication
  • driver inexperience
  • poorly secured loads
  • overloaded vehicles

Next, the Chicago truck accident lawyer compiles the client’s medical records and bills, including evidence of any permanency. All lost wages and other damages will be documented. The evidence goes into a settlement demand that is presented to the insurance company. The lawyer asks for a monetary amount to settle the claim. If the parties cannot settle, the claim will have to be litigated. In preparation for trial, the lawyer employs several experts, including forensic scientists and tire track analysts. Additional evidence is gathered to support the client’s claim of how the accident occurred. Lawyers serve as advocates, and any one who has been injured in a trucking accident needs the best representation. The lawyer makes sure the victim has their day in court. Browse to know more.

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