If you are experiencing severe financial problems, don’t feel alone. Many people are no more than a paycheck or two from being unable to pay their bills. Depending on what is going on in your life, seeking advice from a bankruptcy attorney Belvidere IL could be the right solution. Here are three signs you should seek that advice today.
Even Making Minimum Payments is Impossible Now
In spite of your problems, there seemed to still be some hope as long as you could make the minimum monthly payments on all your debts. Over the last couple of months, that’s even become impossible to manage. With your options almost exhausted, something needs to give now. That something could be taking to a bankruptcy attorney Belvidere IL about what a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy could do to help you get back on your financial feet again.
Your Creditors Will Not Work With You
Attempts to work out payment plans with your creditors fail. They simply are not willing to accept the terms that you can manage. With your offers rejected and the threats to file suit against you starting to mount, it’s time to talk with an attorney about filing bankruptcy. Remember that you tried to work with your creditors to avoid this and they refused. At this point, you’ve done all you can do without legal help.
Worry is Undermining Your Health
Worries about finances are keeping you up at night. That’s starting to adversely affect your performance at work. It isn’t doing your personal relationships any good either. In general, that worry is undermining your emotional as well as your physical well being. Now is the time to talk with a bankruptcy attorney Belvidere IL and being to take off some of the pressure. Once the attorney files the petition and the court approves it, you will be able to sleep again.
Are you ready to start a new chapter in your life? The Crosby Law Firm can help. Visit https://www.thecrosbylawfirm.com/ today and learn more about what bankruptcy can do for you. All it will take is one consultation to determine which form of personal bankruptcy is right for you, and get the process rolling.