Custom Engraving in Oahu Can Have Many Wood Options

by | Oct 15, 2019 | Shopping

Whether you are purchasing one custom engraving in Oahu or multiple plaques for some special occasion, you have many great options available to you. For some, this is a great thing, while others feel that it is too difficult to choose. Learning about the different options can make your decision easier, as you will have a longer time to make a choice.

All Wood

Most custom engraving in Oahu are completely made of wood without any adornments. Almost every type of wood can be used, including alder, rosewood, walnut, cherry and bamboo. Bamboo and alder woods are lighter in color and it is easier to see the engraving. Rosewood is a deep, dark wood that adds a professional quality to the piece. However, the darkness of the wood can make it more difficult to see the engravings.

Walnut is also a dark wood, though it is slightly lighter than the rosewood. Cherry wood finishes add a slight red tint to the wood and make it even more professional-looking and beautiful. Anyone would be pleased to have one of these woods as their plaque.

Wood with Other Material

With darker woods, such as cherry, rosewood and walnut, it may be helpful to include other materials with the wood. Many times, brass or gold plates are added, especially when the plaque is meant for many people to be hung in a place of business. For example, employee-of-the-month plaques that are held in-house will usually have many spaces available to add new names. This can be costly to engrave the name into the wood each time. Therefore, they would use brass plates and add them to the engraved wood plaque each time a new name was placed on the plaque.

You can also add other materials to the wood in order to provide a picture. For example, fire department awards may have a golden or brass picture of a fire-fighter on it to let others know quickly what the award was for.

In some cases, the engraved writing on the plaque can be “painted” with gold or silver, making the engravings “pop” and be more noticeable. This is helpful on darker woods, though looks great on any color wood plaques.


Most custom engraving in Oahu can be almost any size you want though most plaques are smaller. The biggest size is usually 9×12 inches, though they can be as small as 5×7 inch or 4.5×4.5 inches.

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