Ever been in the condition when your fridge, dryer or washing machine has just broken down on a weekend? If your appliances are no longer under warranty, you would automatically have to call in a professional repair technician, who might not work on weekends and holidays. Appliances like a fridge, microwave, washer, dryer and garbage disposal are indispensible in our daily lives. For just such situations, a home owner should know about the functioning of some basic appliance parts, to do minor DIY repairs in emergency situations. Keep a small basic tool kit at home consisting of a set of Philips head and flat head screw drivers, a set of wrenches, pliers and wire cutters, a tester, a small spanner, hammer, wire and lubricants at home. Just thrown in a bunch of wet clothes in the dryer and after the cycle you find your clothes are just as wet? For this eventuality to not make you insane with frustration, take the time to get to know some of the dryer appliance parts. With a little luck, you might solve the problem yourself. Unplug the dryer before checking its parts. If the dryer spins and produces no heat the following problems might be causing the glitch: Fuse could be broken. Check and replace. Temperature switch malfunction. If you own a VOM (Volt-Ohm reader), you can check the switch with the use of the VOM. Thermostat fault. Using the VOM the condition of the thermostat can be assessed. Poor heating coils. VOM can be used to see if the heating coils are bad. Timer could have failed. VOM will help detect if the timer motor is bad. If the dryer is getting too hot the appliance should be checked immediately. The main causes for overheating may be that the vent is clogged with lint. Check the lint trap and vent on the outside of the house. Clogging might lead to buildup of carbon monoxide in the house. This is a potentially lethal situation. Call help immediately. If vent is not at fault, the thermostat and heating coils could be checked as before using VOM. If the drum does not spin, 90% of the time the belt is to blame. If you know how to replace the belt with an identical belt, this could address your problem straight away. The roller underneath the tumbler might need replacement. Wear and tear might lead to this situation. Alternatively, motor or idler pulleys might need work. If the dryer does not work at all, there might be a power supply glitch. Check the voltage at the outlet with a VOM. Timer switches and thermostat may also be to blame and can all be checked with VOM. If an electric fault is detected among your appliance parts, call in an electrician. For major repairs always call in an expert repair man to replace your appliance parts. Council Bluffs residents can avail the services of experienced contractors in the area who work on Saturdays and weekdays. Appliance Parts Council Bluffs – If you want servicing or replacing of your appliance parts, Council Bluffs residents can rely on the services of ASAP Appliance Repair Inc. for prompt response.