Harness The Power Of The Mind For Weight Loss Success

by | Nov 20, 2013 | Health and Fitness

Depending on what your life experiences have been, hypnosis may be something you believe in or something you are more skeptical about. There is an option in the middle that many people have not considered, and that is self-hypnosis. Diet and weight management alone typically are not sustainable over long periods of time for most people but, through creating powerful self-suggestions, you can boost the short and long term behaviors that will help you in your weight loss goals.
Self-hypnosis differs from hypnosis in that you can guide yourself through the exercises without the need for a personal visit to the professional. This is a convenient and time saving option for many people that want to make lifestyle changes.

Self-Hypnosis Diet Plans

Effective self-hypnosis diet plans are not stand-alone diets. In other words, they are not designed to take the place of or replace healthy eating, meal planning and lifestyle changes that enhance weight loss. Instead, what these programs do is to help you stay on track by creating mental suggestions that align with your healthier lifestyle.

For example, one issue you may have difficulty with is eating unhealthy foods when you are stressed or upset. Self-hypnosis diet programs will assist you in developing your own mental images and techniques that will allow you to identify when you are feeling stressed and replace the negative, unhealthy desire to eat unhealthy foods with a more healthy behavior.

This healthy behavior will be yours to choose. It could include using relaxation techniques to reduce stress or having a mental exercise that will help you get to a more positive place emotionally. Once you are no longer feeling stressed your desire to binge eat or nibble on that unhealthy food or snack will no longer be a factor you have to resist.

Not Self-Talk

A self-hypnosis diet plan is not the same as simply developing a list of positive phrases that you repeat to yourself to help you stay on your eating plan or lifestyle plan. Those positive phrases, also known as positive affirmations or self-talk, may be included in a self-hypnosis diet program but there will be additional elements to self-hypnosis.

In essence self-hypnosis goes deeper than self-talk and helps us to change our thoughts about our areas of concern. It goes beyond the conscious, which is where self-talk is effective; changing our subconscious thoughts about those things we know to be problems in our weight loss goals.
Understanding the difference between self-talk and self-hypnosis diet programs is important, but both can be helpful in weight loss when used together. By replacing negative thoughts with positive ones about our ability to achieve weight loss goals and maintain and healthy weight we are setting ourselves on the path to lifelong success.

Self-hypnosis diet programs will assist you in developing your own mental images and techniques that will allow you to identify when you are feeling stressed and replace the negative, unhealthy desire to eat unhealthy foods with a more healthy behavior.

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