The Advantages of Dental Implants for Wichita Kansas Residents

Dental Implants Wichita Kansas area have been offered for many years as a solution for improving the smile of patients from all around the area. For many people, dental implants are the optimum solution for the replacement of missing teeth. These are long-term replacement options that look natural, and don’t have the same issues associated with dentures. Dentures can be removed and rest on the owner’s gum line. Bridges use the surrounding teeth in order to give stability to their structure, which puts stress on them. Dental implants are superior in that they are surgically placed into the jawbone of the patient.

Dental Implants Wichita Kansas are an option for the two-thirds of adults who have lost at least one permanent tooth. Teeth can be lost for many reasons such as gum disease, accidents, decay, or failed root canals. It is also sobering that a quarter of adults will lose all of their teeth by the time they are 74 years old. Two decades ago, people had no choice but to use dentures in order to restore their capability to eat properly, and to speak and smile. Dentures will be noticed by people over time because they can slip and they also make noise. Dentures can also lead to the loss of bone where teeth are missing, and this causes a haggard looking face.

Dental implants are superior in materials, how they are placed, and how they function. Titanium is used in the posts for American Dental Implants Kansas patients. This material has no negative effects on the body or immune system. The bone around it fuses, and this keeps the implants in place like a natural tooth. Bone loss is normally not an issue for those who have had dental implants used to replace missing teeth.

Those who have implants in the past twenty years have reported satisfaction with their choice. Dental implants can last for life if proper care is taken for dental care. People still have to be on guard to prevent gum disease and other factors that lead to decay and tooth loss. When a patient has dental implants inserted, the best thing for him or her to do is to make sure that all follow-up appointments are kept, and proper oral hygiene is maintained.

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