The Basics Of Getting Invisalign From A Dentist In Lafayette LA

by | Jul 15, 2013 | Health and Fitness

When you don’t like your own smile, it can affect your life in many ways. Your innocent self-consciousness can leave other people feeling as if you are unfriendly or not enjoying their company. Smiles are so common as a way of communicating affection and enjoyment that it is easy to make people uncomfortable when you don’t offer one. If you have been considering getting Invisalign Dentist Lafayette LA, here are a few questions that you might have.

What is Invisalign?

It is basically a system where you use trays to straighten your teeth. They are custom-made for you, and designed to apply a slight amount of pressure in the desired direction. Over time, your teeth respond to this by shifting in the direction they are being pressed. Every couple of weeks, you must switch to a new tray as your teeth adjust to the previous one.

Do they make it hard to eat or care for your teeth?

Because these are trays rather than a device attached to your teeth, you can actually pop them out entirely when you need to do these things. You can also take them out when you need to make phone calls or give a presentation at work. This is one of the biggest attractions for people who have been avoiding braces. You don’t have to worry about struggling to keep your teeth clean or having difficulty talking.

Is the effect permanent?

This depends on the individual. Human teeth naturally move a little over time as pressure is applied to them or in response to the way we use our mouths. Some people experience very little movement, while others may benefit from wearing a retainer at night to maintain their straight and even smile.

If this sounds appealing to you, speak to a Invisalign Dentist Lafayette LA Every patient is unique, and you really need to get a professional opinion about how suitable a particular treatment is for you before you start to make any firm decisions. For almost anyone, though, this is an exceptionally convenient way to get a smile that looks a lot more neat and attractive.

Dental problems can be very painful. In fact, if they strike all of a sudden, they can be a nightmare. It won’t be possible to schedule a regular appointment with your dentist and get the problem sorted out.

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