If you reside in Denver and are looking for venues for an upcoming Bar Mitzvah, you may be unsure of exactly which location to choose. A Bar Mitzvah is a grand occasion and after 13 years, you may either have it all planned out or you are searching for just the right idea. Considering the best Bar Mitzvah party venues Denver has available can help you narrow down your choices so that you can select the best one. However before searching for venues, it is helpful to make a few considerations beforehand.
Personality Match
You will want to match your child’s personality with the theme of the party you will be throwing. If they are outgoing and willing to try new things, you can source Bar Mitzvah party venues in Denver located that are in line with his interests. Have you considered a themed party, costume party, painting party, or a combination of all three? A venue that offers all of that and more is surely someplace that is well worth considering.
Otherwise you can stick to the traditional hotel ballroom or private restaurant party room for your son’s thirteenth birthday party. This may prove a better match for a child that is more private and shy of new concepts and ideas. Nonetheless, it never hurts to have your son be outside of his comfort zone on his special day as he may just end up having the time of his life.
Keeping the Guests Entertained
Keeping the partygoers partying is by far one of the main points of consideration as you navigate the planning stages of the event. If the guests are not entertained, the party may quickly go south. You may have considered hiring a DJ but are you certain that teenagers will feel comfortable dancing in front of their parents? Why not give the group a joint activity that really brings everyone together. A painting party may be just what is needed to provide a focal activity that takes the pressure off of socializing and making small talk.
Make it an Event to Remember
The most ideal Bar Mitzvah party venues Denver has available are those that let you customize the party to meet your needs. You should be able to select the layout and placement of chairs and tables as well as selecting the decorations you feel will be most festive for this special occasion. Whichever venue you select, ensure that they help you make it an event to remember fondly long after the last guest has gone home.
Denver’s La Piccola Venezia is one of the most interesting and engaging settings to host a Bar Mitzvah celebration. To plan your party and find out how much fun a mask painting, food and wine, themed party can be, visit Lpvdenver.com today.