Tips for Preparing Wills Trust in Orem

by | Nov 23, 2012 | legal

Preparing your wills trust in Orem can be a complicated procedure if you have a lot of assets or a difficult family situation. That’s why it’s always best to have an attorney who is experienced in this field working for you to help plan what happens with your estate after you are deceased. Here are some tips to help you start preparing now so the process will be simpler when you sit down with an attorney to decide on the specifics.

Discuss it With Your Family
One of the biggest mistakes that people make about estate planning is that they assume their heirs will work everything out amicably among themselves. Unfortunately, this is often not the case. That’s why you should speak with those who are close to you and tell them what you want them to have. This should include monetary value and sentimental items as well. This will help avoid many arguments after your death and it gives you a chance to explain your reasoning to your heirs.

Find a Qualified Executor
When having your wills trust in Orem executed, it’s vital to find a qualified attorney to do that for you. This is the person who will be responsible for paying any outstanding debts that you have at the time of your death and they will also distribute your assets according to your will. Make sure you find an attorney whom you can trust and someone who has been in the field for several years to help ensure everything gets distributed the way you planned prior to your death.

Have a Place for Important Documents
If you are the person that does the bills in your household and takes care of the important things, make sure your surviving spouse or family members know where to find the vital information. This should include your birth certificate, marriage license, bank account information and other important documents. These should be locked in a safe place so they aren’t easily accessible to avoid having them fall into the wrong hands.

Create a Living Will
Another important thing that people never think about doing until it’s too late is to make a living will. Living wills tell doctors and your family which medical procedures you want performed in case you are in a situation where you can’t express those desires. You can choose several life-saving procedures, including ventilators and life support, or you can choose the minimal heroics to save your life. This helps lessen the decision-making process for your family and you can decide on these procedures when you are in an emotionally-stable mindset.

If you’re looking for a qualified attorney to handle your estate in the Orem, Utah area, contact the professionals at Morley & Associates, P.C. We have years of experience handling these types of cases and our legal professionals are here to help you.

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