Temporomandibular joint disorder, commonly referred to as TMJ Disorder, is a problem that occurs where the joint connects the jaw to the skull. When this joint develops swelling and inflammation, it can cause pain and difficulties with how the mouth aligns and functions. When the jaw does not function properly, eating is affected, as is opening and closing the mouth and resting the joint sufficiently at night while asleep. An exam by a dentist is often the first notice that TMJ-related issues exist, though it’s a relatively common disorder. Your dentist in Magnolia will investigate the severity of TMJ, which may include x-rays, CT scan, and MRI, to determine the degree of involvement with surrounding structures and tissues.
One major risk factor of TMJ is bruxism, which is the fancy term for grinding or clenching the teeth. Arthritis, muscle fatigue, and injury may also cause or exacerbate the condition. TMJ can manifest in ways that mimic other medical problems, so other diagnoses may need to be ruled out prior to arriving at a clear conclusion. Additionally, since so many nerves are involved with TMJ disorders, your dentist in Magnolia may also refer you to a neurologist to ensure thorough treatment.
TMJ can have a significant impact on daily life, including biting, chewing, and even yawning. It may also cause ear pain, headaches, and pain throughout the facial area. Moreover, the jaw can frequently pop, click, or grate when the patient is attempting to open and close the mouth. Some patients report that they dislocate their jaw when they open their mouth wide, such as during a yawn. Patients may also report significant pain in and around the ear which is generally the result of swelling in the soft tissues where the jaw and skull are connected by the joint.
TMJ does have significant impact on dental health. The jaw must open and close, rotate, and also move from side to side to chew and swallow food. The dentist will consider TMJ from the perspective of preserving the health of the teeth and mouth and perhaps suggest the use of protective night guards. There are other methods the dentist may recommend in conjunction with the neurologist. Medications, therapies, or surgery may be advised, though surgery is rarely necessary. Sometimes, TMJ may resolve on its own, although that isn’t the most common scenario.
Consulting with a dentist is extremely important with TMJ disorder. In addition to medical remedies, a dentist can also offer advice in terms of daily activities you can perform and monitor to keep pain to a minimum and push back the severity of symptoms. Your dentist in Magnolia is also an important partner in properly charting your progress and determining next steps to ensure resolution and maintenance for a pain-free bite.
If you are searching for Dentist In Magnolia, you might want to contact dentists at Gentle Dental, offering medical remedies for your dental disorders.