Dental emergencies can happen to anyone. All it takes is a quick fall, some type of slip, or anything that results in a direct hit to the mouth. Children have the potential to be involved in this type of accident as much as adults. Should this kind of event occur,...
A Few Details to Keep in Mind Before Getting Braces for Straight Teeth
Looking in a mirror and seeing that your teeth aren't straight can sometimes be depressing or at least bothersome. Fortunately, an option to consider would be braces. Here are some details to keep in mind before you visit your dentist to have them put on your teeth....
What to Expect From Dental Implants in Charleston SC
Missing teeth can cause many different problems. Not only do you feel self-conscious because of your smile, but you can also experience issues with your ability to properly chew your foods and even speak. Depending on your degree of tooth loss, this can greatly affect...
Looking Good with Braces Palm Coast
We all want to look good in front of other people especially to someone who is special to us. We wear our most attractive dress, cute sandals, jewellery and a makeup that will make us look beautiful. Looking good gives us a confidence in presenting ourselves in front...
5 Reasons Adults Are Turning to Orthodontists for Invisalign Treatment
Braces might seem like something only teenagers deal with, but more and more adults visiting orthodontists inquiring about easy, pain-free ways to straighten their smiles. While traditional braces help people of any age achieve their orthodontic goals, Invisalign is...