Cleaning The System With Full Septic Services In Denton, Texas

by | Jan 20, 2014 | Business

A sewage back-up is one of the worst experiences for a homeowner. Septic tanks back up into the bathtub or sink if they are not serviced regularly. The homeowner has to clean up the mess, and disinfect all surfaces touched by the waste. Further, the septic tank will have to be pumped out, and there could be additional problems. If the septic tank goes too long without service, there could be problems with the pipes and lines attached to it. Septic tank problems can be costly.

Texas Integrity Septic offers Full Septic Services in Denton, TX. The company’s services include septic tank pumping and cleaning, sewage pumping, septic system repairs and maintenance and inspections. A septic tank works through a system of pipes from your home. Waste separates into layers inside a large tank buried in the ground. The layer of solids settles at the bottom of the tank. Bacteria, naturally present in all septic systems, changes about half of the solids into liquid and gases. Liquids leave the tank through the outflow pipe. The outflow, known as effluent, is distributed in the drain field through a series of subsurface pipes. Dirt absorbs the effluent, and microbes break down the rest of the waste.

Unfortunately, bacteria does not break down all the solids. The remaining solids must be pumped out of the tank periodically. Most tanks should be pumped every three years. Some people have what is called an aerobic treatment system, or ATS. ATS is a small-scale sewage treatment system similar to the septic tank. However, ATS uses an aerobic process for digestion. These systems are usually found in rural areas where there are no public sewers. They may be used for one home or a group of homes. The difference between the septic tank and ATS is the effluent. The ATS effluent can be sterilized and used for irrigation. Further, ATS cuts the size of the drain field in half. Chlorine, or a similar disinfectant, is used to sterilize the effluent. Whatever system a home uses, Full Septic Services in Denton, TX are still needed. All systems need to be inspected and cleaned on a regular basis.

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