The Auto Accident

by | May 29, 2012 | legal

If you or someone in your family has been injured in an auto accident that was not your fault, there are some very important procedures you need to follow in order to get the compensation you are guaranteed by Florida Law. These things are what Car Accident Lawyer in Deland will tell you are the most crucial things you need to do in order to be successful with your personal injury auto accident court case.

1. Report the accident immediately to the nearest law enforcement agency. Do not leave the scene of the incident.  Once the officer and other emergency personnel arrive, make sure they write up everything in detail and get the names of any witnesses as well as all the insurance information and other pertinent details of all those involved.

2. If at all possible take photos of the accident scene. Get all the angles of both vehicles that can be seen. If you are not able to do so- request that the reporting officer does and that you get copies.

3. No matter how slight your injuries may seem, get checked out by the medical personnel on scene. Sometimes due to stress and other factors, you may not think you are hurt. Also make sure anyone else involved in the wreck is checked out also. If you do require medical treatment, be sure it is documented and follow all instructions from your medical care provider, including taking medications and attending follow up appointments.

4. As soon as possible retain the services of a Car Accident Lawyer in Deland whose area of expertise is auto accident cases. They can help ensure that all proper documentation is kept and all procedures are followed exactly.

5. Don’t sign type of forms other than those from law enforcement or medical personnel until you’ve spoken with your attorney. One of the most common insurance company tactics is to get an injured party to sign a statement for settlement or to claim that you or anyone else involved in the wreck weren’t injured. This is done so that they can avoid a claim being filed against them for fair compensation.

6. Do not broadcast your accident and anything about your case on any social media sites until your case has been settled.  This includes photos of the accident and any “status updates” as to how severe your injuries are and how your case is progressing. Some insurance company attorneys have been known to use this as evidence in court.

Also make sure you follow your doctor’s and Car Accident Lawyer in Deland instructions exceptionally closely.  If the insurance investigators or the other party’s attorneys even think you are not injured then they will use that against you in court as a way to deny you any type of compensation you are asking for. If you follow the six steps outlined above, and keep yourself informed and in good communication with your attorney then things will likely go very well for you in court.

Car Accident Lawyer Deland It is important to have the services of a good Car Accident Lawyer in Deland if you have grounds for a court case. You can rest assured that at Damore, Delgado, Romanik & Rawley, they work tirelessly to fight for your compensation.


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